The purpose of the Guidelines for Acceleration is to outline conditions and criteria for acceleration.
“Acceleration” is either:
1. Full year acceleration e.g. Year 9 to Year 10; or
2. Could involve multi-level studies within the school (single subject acceleration), concurrent university study or a subject via correspondence.
Guidelines for Acceleration
- Students may be accelerated when they meet most of the acceleration criteria
- Individual programming for students may involve a variety of strategies including differentiated learning
- Effective support must be made available to accelerated students
- All accelerate students (with the exception of those accelerated in Mathematics) should in the first instance go through the HPL Coordinator
- All students wishing to accelerate must make a written application (available from the HPL Coordinator)
- Where there is major disruption to the student’s core programme (eg. missing two or more periods of any core subject) acceleration will not go ahead.
Empirically Derived Criteria for Acceleration Application for Acceleration or Application for Multi-Level Study form Faculties Statements of EnrichmentFavourites
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